Terms and conditions
We ask all registered users and visitors to abide by the following terms and conditions to ensure that the Whipple Library remains a pleasant and safe environment to study and that our collections are appropriately protected.
- All books borrowed from the Library must be issued to a registered user, either at the staff desk, or via the self-issue terminal. Readers found removing books without permission will be suspended from the Library.
- Readers are responsible for all books issued to their Library card, and are expected to meet the cost of repair to or replacement of any items which are damaged or lost.
- If an item you have on loan is recalled, please return it to the library within one week. Failure to return books on time may result in loss or suspension of borrowing rights.
- Please take good care of the Library material you use. Evidence of underlining, highlighting and other forms of defacing will be treated seriously and may result in a fine and/or loss of borrowing rights.
- Food and drink, other than bottled water, is not permitted in the Library.
- Please turn your mobile phone to silent before entering the Library and take all calls outside.
- Please take care of your personal belongings while in the Library. The Library cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.
- The Whipple Library is a quiet work space. Please respect this and go elsewhere to talk. If using headphones while you work, please ensure the volume does not disturb others.
Thank you for your co-operation.