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Whipple Library

Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Page folded out three times to display 'the new portable orrery, invented and made by William Jones'

This directory indicates the locations of key HPS-related special collections (rare books/manuscripts/papers) of the University of Cambridge. Its purpose is to assist researchers in negotiating the many different ways in which Cambridge collections are described/catalogued (or not catalogued). Rather than an exhaustive catalogue, it simply provides a starting point for researchers, enabling them to browse the vast range of HPS-related library materials that exist in Cambridge.

Read more at: Directory by library

Directory by library

Links on this page lead mainly to relevant college/departmental websites or archive catalogue records on Janus (the University of Cambridge's archives catalogue). NB: this list is by no means exhaustive as an indication of Cambridge HPS-related holdings, and should be used simply as a starting...

Read more at: Directory by subject

Directory by subject

Links on this page lead mainly to relevant college/departmental websites or archive catalogue records on Janus (the University of Cambridge's archives catalogue). NB: this list is by no means exhaustive as an indication of Cambridge HPS-related holdings, and should be used simply as a starting...

Read more at: Directory by name

Directory by name

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Links on this page lead mainly to relevant college/departmental websites or archive catalogue records on Janus (the University of Cambridge's archives catalogue). NB: this list is by no means exhaustive as an indication of Cambridge HPS-related...

Read more at: Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: Churchill

Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: Churchill

Science and Technology Collections at Churchill Archives Centre Science Collections at Churchill Archives Centre - July 23 Extract from the Churchill Archives Centre Guide to Holdings on our website: Sections on Astronomy, Biology...

Read more at: Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: King's

Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: King's

King’s College These links lead to catalogue records on Janus , the University of Cambridge's archives catalogue. Papers of Richard Bevan Braithwaite 1900–90 (Philosophy) John Harold Clapham 1873–1946 (Economics) Papers of Richard Ferdinand Kahn 1905–89 (Economics) Papers of Nicholas Kaldor 1908–86...

Read more at: Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: St John's

Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: St John's

St John’s College Medieval manuscripts include items relating to Medicine (A.19, B.15, D.3, D.4, D.24, E.29, G.12, K.49) and Astronomy (E.2, F.25, G.3). See online M.R. James's catalogue of St John's manuscripts . These links lead to catalogue records on Janus , the University of Cambridge's...

Read more at: Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: Trinity

Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: Trinity

Trinity College These links mainly lead to records on Trinity's Modern Manuscripts Listings or Janus , the University of Cambridge's archives catalogue. John Adams 1930–1989 (Mathematics) Edgar Douglas Adrian 1889–1977 (Neurophysiology) Papers of Charlie Dunbar Broad 1887–1971 (Philosophy) Harold...

Read more at: Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: UL Archive and Manuscript Collections

Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: UL Archive and Manuscript Collections

University Library – Department of Manuscripts and University Archives The University Library holds major collections of global importance, details of which can be found by following the link below:

Read more at: Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: UL Rare Books

Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: UL Rare Books

University Library – Rare Books Department These are are just a few of the key HPS-related collections held by the UL (links below lead to descriptions on the UL Rare Books Dept website). UL books are mainly catalogued on Newton (but see Specialist Catalogues for further details). For more...

Read more at: Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: Balfour & Newton Libraries

Directory of HPS-related special collections in the University of Cambridge: Balfour & Newton Libraries

Balfour & Newton Libraries, Department of Zoology The MacAndrew Collection (Conchology) The Strickland Collection (Ornithology) The Oates Collection (Ornithology) The Buckley Collection (Chiefly fauna of Africa) The Webb Smith Collection (500 original water colours of African and Indian birds...